Tewksbury Elementary School
Whittemore - Community, Culture & Conservation is excited to be partnering with the Tewksbury Elementary School and the Board of Education, in providing After-School programming for the 2024-25 Academic year, to be held on school grounds right after school.
Our programs will have a nature theme, enriching students on the importance of conservation, the natural beauty available in our own backyard (schoolyard), the importance of being outdoors, while embracing the community in which we live, all the while having fun! Our focus is for the children to be outdoors as much as possible while enjoying themselves and taking the skills learned and using them at home. We look forward to enriching your students.
2024 October-December Session
last day to register September 30th
TUESDAYS 8 weeks
Starting October 8 ending December 3rd
October 8, 15, 22
November 5, 12, 19, 26
December 3
Grades K-4, TUESDAYS, 3:20-4:20pm
Imagining ourselves to be a family of Grey Timber Wolves, we will take a weekly walk patrolling and getting to know our "territory" (Pascale Park & the grounds of TES) - a hands on exploration of a range of natural history subjects; the basic geology, flora & fauna of the local landscape and wildlife, all the while discussing the basics of outdoor survival, all from the perspective of an extended wolf pack & pups!
This program will be held outdoors, weather permitting! We ask that you dress your child for the weather. We suggest layers and sneakers or boots (especially if its been raining). If the weather does not allow us to be outside, the program will be held indoors with fun activities relating to that days topic.
Class is limited to 10 students.
Grades 2-4, MONDAYS 3:20-4:20
Yoga is for everyone and is all about connecting, so join us as we have fun connecting with our friends, ourselves and the world around us through games, stories and kid-friendly yoga poses. We will explore movement, breathing and focus and even find a little time to relax while we celebrate themes around the environment and our emotions. Most classes will include a craft related to theme.
Class is limited to 8 students.
MONDAYS 8 weeks
Starting October 7 ending December 9
October 7, 21
November 4, 11, 18, 25
December 2, 9
Parents: Once your child is registered, please remember to select in Pick-Up Patrol, the day of the program (Monday, Tuesday), the program they have registered for, either Pack Walk or Yoga Fun. The teachers then will know to dismiss the child to the after school program they have selected. If you have any questions, regarding Pick-Up Patrol, please reach out to the school.
WhittemoreCCC reserves the right to make adjustments in the best interest of the programs. WhittemoreCCC is a 501(c)(3), New Jersey non-profit.